Re: Near Garden Pavilion in North Garden Ha! You've been thinking about it for more than a week, since we first noticed it at the end of August. I see on The Kitaibelia Page that "Technically Kitaibelia can be distinguished from Malope [not in the UBC garden] by the presence of 6-9 epicalyx segments,..." and "In fruit the globose schizocarp serves to distinguish it from all remaining European mallows." We're going to have to take Daniel's class. I got caught on epicalyx segments on another Malvaceae ID. I guess it's time to learn how to notice those things.
Re: Near Garden Pavilion in North Garden Look at the "bottom" of a strawberry or the back of a Potentilla (same genus, really) flower to see an epicalyx (epi = upon + calyx). Note that plants in Rosaceae normally have five calyx lobes.