I am a little embarassed to post these photos as my plant looks pretty sad (note the 2 branches with no leaves). I bought this plan last May from someone who was moving. The plant looked beautiful when i bought it! Unfortunately, 2/3 of the leaves on this plant have follen off. Why? I realised, ok my Mum told me I was totally over watering... (2-3 times a week.) However it is VERY hot in my apartment, anywhere from 23c to 30c and the soil was DRY. Does it need to be misted? How many hours of light should it be getting? Direct ? Indirct? I think I need some help!
It's a Croton, Codiaeum Variegatum 'Petra'. The heat wouldn't be a problem. It should never dry out entirely, so water in more. Looking at the pot suggest that your watering habits aren't the best. Let the top of the soil dry to about an inch or so, then water it very well and let it dry to inch again. Never give it little "sips"; water well, then wait. Don't let is sit in water. It loves the sun, so give lots of light.
Wow... Your good! As you may see from the picture there is a black plastic pot inside a terracotta pot. Should I take it out of the terracotta pot? Are the 2 leave-less peices dead? Should I wait for it to recuperate before I repot?
Yes, I think those parts are dead. If it's still in a downward slide don't repot it yet. More light, steady water and it should recover. They are strong growers, so you will know when it recovers. Keep us posted, Good luck!