I acquired a mystery plant from a neighbor who moved. I've attached a photo of the plant, hoping someone can identify it. There seem to be 3 different plants in one basket—a fern, a dracaena, and a vine of some sort. The vine is the most prominent in the basket, and the texture of the leaf is somewhat fuzzy underneath. I would appreciate any suggestions on what type of plant this is so that I know how to care for it. Thank you in advance.
The dracaena looks like D. sanderiana, although I can't see too much of the leaves. The "fern" is a palm, probably a parlor palm and not sure what the vine is Ed
The dracaena(?) looks like it has a bad mite problem. However, it is funny that the palm would be so close nearby and not be infested, as these seem to be a magnet for mites when grown as house plants.
I doubt the "Dracaena" as well. I think it's a Dieffenbachia and the palm is Parlor palm (Chaemadorea) with perhaps a Peperomia below. HTH CHris
Chris I was thinking Dieffy as well but the leaves didn't have the "splotches" normally seen on these plants although I have noticed if my Dieffy's are in heavy shade they don't have as many "splotches". I think we need another photo of the leaves to confirm Ed
Thanks to everyone for helping me try to identify this plant(s). I've attached another photo from a different angle. I think the tall leggy stems are a Dieffenbachia, the palm is a Parlor palm, and the trailing plant is either a Peperomia or a Lipstick Vine/plant(?) I'm open to any other suggestions.
Im pretty sure that one is a Peperomia .. the stalks/vines are to thick to be a Lipstick plant so I would say a Peperomia . Marion
Marion, I think you're right about it being a Peperomia. I believe it's a P. orba to be exact. Thanks everyone for all your help. Helen