I have this plant, I'm really not sure what it is, I can't find pictures of it anywhere online. It has leaves very similar to an African violet. Small, clustered on the main stem. The leaves are kinda hairy. They are mostly green, with a pale pink edge, and the underside of the leaf is pink. It has not grown one bit in the last year. Hasn't shriveled, hasn't done anything...and I forgot to water it for about 3 months. *blush* Anyways, help is appreciated... if you need a picture, I suppose I could dig out my digital camera.
A picture would help, it could also be atype of begonia, or something in the gesneriad family ( african violet family) . With a picture I sure to id it.
Here's my pictures of this darn plant ETA - sorry the pics aren't the best...my cam wasn't working right, I had to use my webcam... The leaves are dark green, with a white / pale pink edging, the underside is very pink, almost red.
I had one of these and for the life of me I can't remember the name. I do know that it spreads by runners that get little babies on it. It was advertised as Magic Carpet, the latin name I can't remember. Mine spread thoughout the pot it was in with other plants. In the summer I put it in the garden and I got two runners, big deal, I decided it wasn't worth lifting and potting up. Janet
Doesn't seem like that, as with the info I googled.... http://www.monrovia.com/PlantInf.ns...d9637be19bc1adcf8825684d00724de0!OpenDocument
That does not look like the same plant to me, yours has thickish leaves that are somewhat more round, am I wrong? Janet
I think Janet got it right. From what I can make out it looks like Saxifraga stolonifera 'Tricolor' (syn. S. sarmentosa 'Tricolor'). Magic Carpet is one of the many common names.
It should be pointed out that the plant being suggested is not the same as the one seen in the link. A definitive identification of the plant would be difficult given the fuzzy photos.
Still resembles an african violet to me. Especially with that survival record! (I had one that lived on a bathroom ledge for 2 years without water...they are to be admired for their resilience!) Try looking up photos under Google images using "variegated african violet" or names referred above to see which ones resemble yours most closely. Look at leaf arrangement (how they grow out of the ground) as well as leaf decription including not only colour but: are they hairy top and bottom? thick or thin? Good luck!