I have this Mystery plant, (that's what I was Told It Was!!), It's fading fast and I don't know what to do to save the danged thing. If anybody can Id, the plant, or tell me how to revive it, and how to care for it, I would be extremely greatful.
Hey Fairyboy, I have doubts about that plant being revived, but it looks like it is or was Euphorbia leuconeura. Take a look at this thread:http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=6784&highlight=germany
thank you kindly that is indeed a match. I'm very glad to know what it is. I know that you are probably correct about being able to save the plant, but i do intend on trying. I also have a tiny sprout that is still fully green and alive, but without any leaves, so I hope that i can at least save that one. If you possably know how to care for it, I am entirely looking forward to learning how to care for it. Any suggestions would be extremely helpful. thanks again for helping me give it a name.