I searced the whole web for pictures so i can identify this plant but i could not find anything. Someone gave it to our repair facility and it is in pretty bad condition, looks weak and the ends of the leaves are turning brown. It is approximately 4 feet tall stending on 1" stems. Please help! Thank you!
Dracaena fragrans Refer to thread before yours: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=48827
Thank you soo much! I was looking at that but this one is soo tall and skiny i was like....no, it could not be! It really looks like a palm. So should i repot it? Prune it? Cut it back? Any advice?
I would lop off the top parts and try to get them to root, the plant is obviously too tall to support its own weight! You should also probably repot in a fast draining soil. When I got mine, I took all of the dirt out, and separated both root structures and repotted in a smaller pot (the roots were not extensive, and it was obvious it was over-potted. The good news about these guys is you can cut them down how ever far you want, and it won't kill the plant. This is just what I would do, but I am sure there are some people here with more first hand experience and can give you better tips!