Hi Folks, I've recently purchased a small Larch labelled Larix laricina 'Arethusa bog' but have failed miserably to find any information on it. How does it differ from the species?
Some limited info here: http://www.backyardgardener.com/plantname/pda_1c7c.html Seems it's a full-size tree, with glaucous foliage. Arethusa Bog is in Ontario: http://nhic.mnr.gov.on.ca/areas/areas_report.cfm?areaid=4455 and I'd make a guess that the cultivar was found there.
Don't know what the case is here but some conifers are sold with wild locations attached to indicate seed source origins. Most of the time this occurs during the servicing of operations such as Christmas tree plantations. To this end some seed houses may offer multiple named strains of noble firs, for instance. If unnamed selections or random seedlings from these seed collections get into ornamental horticultural commerce the seed origin names may become used as cultivar names.
For what it's worth, Conifers: The Illustrated Encyclopedia (generally good, but not 100% accurate) says that this is a witches broom. The photo given shows a loose bun-like plant, maybe a foot or two in diameter. -James
Brill. Thanks for the info. So, it could be a dwarf or a full sized tree, it may be blue or maybe even a yellowish colour (according to that encyclopedia). I think I'll keep it in a pot just to be on the safe side. Thanks for the effort though guys :)