I've had this plant for about 6 months, it was near death and a mere stub when I rescued it thinking that it was some variety of violet, I transferred it to a violet pot and it went nuts. it is around 18 inches tall (if not more). I would like to know what it is so that I can care for it properly.
No, it has not flowered in recent memory. The new leaves at the bottom have a red tinge though, and it seems to be thriving on the constantly moist soil from the violet pot. The plant came in an arrangement, a kind of dish garden with plants potted in separate containers.
But it's horribly leggy if that's what it is... Has it been in a darker area? How much light is it getting?
is the stem square?( can't tell from the picture) are the leaves scented? It may be a type of salvia if it is. It also could be a kohleria ( in the violet family)
To answer Questions: It is getting some early morning direct sunlight on the south side of the house, but mostly indirect throughout the day. Before it came to live with me it was in a darker spot and the stub was thought to be dead until I spotted a small leaf trying to push through at the base of a pruned stem. The Stem itself is round, and the underside of the leaf has a cucumbery fragrance when rubbed. Thanks so far for all of the help, I'm off to look up all of the suggestions!