Identification: Mysterious Plant

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Audrey Mk II, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Audrey Mk II

    Audrey Mk II Member

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    Okay, so I got a seed from a plant from a friend, and he does not know what type of plant it is ("Monster" as both of us named him, has officially grown 3 feet in the span of a year. My friend keeps on claiming it'll come to life and eat people), and I've only had her for less than a year. I grew onto her (pun not intended) and decided to name her, "Audrey Mk. II." It was only recently that I needed to get the name of the plant in order to take care of her better. Here is a picture, though I have to say that she is still very young compared to Monster.

    Here is the picture

    Now I am not much of a plant person, or a photographer for that matter, so I'll see to detailing a little bit more about the other plant Monster, as he is more mature and older than Audrey. He does have a woody stem, and he drops his seeds (which look a little like four very small leaves squashed together) on the leaves, whose edges are alot more sharper and more noticeable. Very recently Monster has started to flower, and they are very small.

    You could just say he is a giant version of the much smaller Audrey.

    If anybody can identify the type of plant this is, I would very much appreciate it. :)
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Looks like Kalanchoe daigremontiana. If that is the right ID, your plant has not flowered. Kalanchoe daigremontiana can reproduce by vivipary, forming little plantlets on the leaf margins. They are easy to grow and very easy to propagate.
  3. Audrey Mk II

    Audrey Mk II Member

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    Oh thank you sooo much! Now that I know what kind of plant it is i can take care of it better! :)

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