Hello again! I´ve been fortunate to find some very wierd acers this summer (or unlucky if they proves to be sick) Heres another one that i want your opinion about it´s a Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala that have variagations on the older leafs or is it something else? This one i picked up at the local gardencenters summer sale, 5 usd. Has anyone seen something similar?
interesting and nice! If they are common in cultivation why are there no ones for sale as acer tataricum spp ginnala "varigatum" or something like that? Or is it? Is this varigation stable, so i can enjoy it next year?
Yes, it's not uncommon. Likely you will see some variegation now and again. It's just a feature of this species, is all. -E
Seems to be fairly unstable, I've noticed odd shoots with variegated leaves on otherwise unvariegated Acer ginnala plants.