we have Myer's lemon trees in large containers and some of the tips of the leaves are turning yellow. we have lots of fruit in different stages. fertilizer? thanks...A.R.
Make sure the container has good drainage so you don't over water. A fertilizer with iron may also help.
Yellow leaf tips on a Meyer lemon, or any citrus tree, is normally not a sign of under nourishment, However it can be a symptom of several complications. Your post has so little information, that it only leaves room for wide guesses as to the problem. Are the yellow tipped leaves new leaves, or the larger old leaves? How tall are the trees and what size of container are they planted in? When was the last time the containers were flushed? What fertilizer schedule are you using, and how often do you water the trees? How old are the trees? If you supply more information about your trees, an intelligent answer can be given, rather than a wild guess or an off the cuff answer can be given. - Millet
A few photo's would be helpful. Myself it sounds like salt buildup this can be removed by soaking your container in fresh water for 45 min. to an hour and flushing it with fresh water a few times after soaking use WARM water for soaking and flushing. Using an EC meter much like a good Ph tester using the pour through method will give you a good reading for salt build up. Testing your soak and flushing values of the water to be used with an EC meter before hand is important. The lowest values can only be given by the fresh water being used. Another means is re-potting unlike trees like Avocados, The citrus root systems is very forgiving, yet great care should be given. Dale
For salt build up I have been told to flush the soil every other month with a solution of white vinegar diluted in water. It does seem to work safely.