My ZZ plant is growing like crazy!!!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Sandra75, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    They really must be eazy plants! I bought this plant back in December. The talest stem was about 23 inches and had a baby stem at 7 inches. It's growing so much and so fast. Now that little stem is at 28 inches....and not done growing yet. Here's some pics!

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  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    sandra, that looks fantabulous!!!!

    i had one - they're supposed to be so easy, right? basically a needs-no-care thing? mine died. it never did get any new growth - just kind of hung in there looking the same for about 9 months and then finally died. and i didn't over-water or under-water it - must have been overwatered at some point before i got it i guess.

    i really love the look of it - especially when they're as healthy and full as yours is!! congrats on a beautiful plant!
  3. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    Sandra, you have one of the larger viariables within the species Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Loddiges) Engl. The plant has a fair number of synonym names including Zamioculcas loddigesii, Zamioculcas lanceolata, Z. "lancifolia" and strangely Caladium zamiaefolium. The common names include Aroid Palm, Arum Fern, ZZ Plant, and Money Tree. At one time all were considered to be different species due to their growth forms and size, but in the past few years aroid botanists have determined they are all one species.

    There is a great deal of confusing information on the net about them. They all come from southern Africa and can go for as long as a year with no water. However, they will also grow fine with a great deal of water. Several botanists have experimented with the plant and found it can be grown in tropical conditions with water almost daily. No harm is done. But it has become popular since you can go off for a few weeks, not water it at all, and it will be just fine when you return.

    Of interest, this species is capable of reproducing by simply planting a leaf. Although it is commonly tissue cultured (cloned) it is very easy to reproduce by just putting a leaf in the soil. It is also an aroid capable of producing a spathe and spadix. I recently added a photo of the spathe and spadix to my website. That photo came from a UBC contributer who lives in Mexico near Mexico City, Alfonso de la Parra. If you are interested in reading some of the details click on my website link beneath my name and then click on the Plant Collection page. You'll find it very near the bottom in the second column.
  4. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Thanks Joclyn! My Zz is on top of my tv... maybe the warm of it is helping, not sure! I'm guessing that yours probably did have something already before you got it. I have another stem at the back growing, that one wont be as big tho. And I have littly 'thingy' that looks like another stem, but not sure (last pic). I don't fertilize my plants, so to see how my Zz is doing, is really amazing.

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  5. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Thanks photopro, I'll be reading it for sure! :D
  6. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    Your Zz looks great! Mine really should have a little more light than it's getting. This summer I'll bring it outdoors where it should be happier.
    Yours looks like it might be a big one! I saw a few large ones at Lowe's last year that were 4' tall, real beauties!
  7. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    4' tall!!! Wow, must of been beautiful.
  8. edleigh7

    edleigh7 Well-Known Member

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    Brisbane Queensland Australia
    Nice specimen, Sandra!!
    Guess what, this is yet another aroid!!! : )

  9. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    another aroid!!!! LOL Aroids must call my name at the store LOL "Sandra, Sandra, buy me"
  10. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    They have a way of doing that! I own at least 200 aroid species, probably more.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2008
  11. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    wow, thats a lot of them!!! wish I could see them!! Hopefuly, I'll get more plants next week, as I'm going to Montreal. I buy most of my plants there. I'm like a kid at the candy shop at the greenhouse.
  12. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    sandra, check out steve's website (there's a link in his siggy). you'll see most of his collection there.

    as for being like a kid in a candy store at greenhouses...yeah, me too!! :)
  13. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    That makes a bunch of us. I try to stay away from them because I would never have any money in the bank! I do make a trip to Miami each September for the International Aroid Society Aroid Show. More plants there than you can afford but the prices are great! Many very rare specimens for sale and the auction is a great place to find good buys to take home. I said I've got 200 plus aroids but my total collection is likely 400 plus species. I am now totally out of room and trying to figure out where I can put more plants!
  14. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    I'll be checking your website, thanks joclyn. I already thought of a solution for if ran out of room for plants.... kick the bf out!!! LOL. Joking. ;) I need him for taking care of my plants while I'm away in Montreal every month :D

    I already took a peak at your much to see!!! Thats super!
  15. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    Right now there is about 350 pages of information on the site. The entire thing started as a way for me to preserve my notes on my plants for my adult daughters. But I've been a working writer/photographer for over 30 years so I decided to write the notes so anyone could use them, and hopefully understand what I was trying to explain. It just began to grow and grow and grow and last year approximately 150,000 people visited the site. I use a tracking service and our trend charts indicate we'll double that figure this year. January of this year was up 400% over last year and I stay amazed! It has gotten to the point I spend just about all my time researching some new plant or adding information to the ones already on there.

    I hope you find something useful!
  16. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

    Likes Received:
    philly, pa, usa 6b
    you can send the excess here!! lol!

    as for your site, it's been invaluable to me! i'd found it long before i 'met' you on this forum, steve. it's set up in a very logical and pleasing manner and the info is accurate - which is of utmost importance.

    150k hits!! wow!! that's fantastic!!!
  17. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    Thank you Joclyn. I do it because I want to learn and get a kick out sharing what I've learned. Some of the world's best aroid botanists have been very kind to help me with accurate information.

    As for "hits", it was actually around 400,000! There were close to 150,000 individuals and they look at close to 3 pages each on average. I realize some number of those individuals got to the site in error. They were brought to the site because of some word combination in their search terms. But many now stay for over an hour.

    The info on the tracking site helps me figure out what people are trying to learn and I do what I can to add that information to the site as long as I have the plant in the collection. I've only got 2 or 3 plants listed on the site that I don't actually own and the "Rare Thailand Parrot Flower" is one. Well over 100 individuals every day read one or more of those pages.

    It pleases me that you find it useful!
  18. natureman

    natureman Active Member

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    NY USA- Zone 6b
    Yeah, without a doubt, Mr. Lucas has one amazing hobby , and website. It's always great to pursue what you love!
  19. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    Natureman, just call me Steve. I'm getting old but I still don't like to be reminded I'm no longer 30!

    I took this snapshot off the tracking server yesterday. It is only February and the interest in tropical plants is very high around the world. This type of interest doesn't usually manifest itself until May. It absolutely amazes me how many people collect tropical species or have some sort of question for which they are trying to find an answer. Each of the little orange arrows represents someone that read something on the site just yesterday in roughtly a 6 to 8 hour period. The hobby of tropical plant collecting, especially aroids, is on the rise all over the world! And I guess you have noticed I can't keep my mouth shut if someone asks a question about an aroid on UBC.

    And by the way, I am not a plant expert and don't wish to have anyone think I am. I just like to read about them and I spend a lot of time talking with botanists. If any of you find anything on my site you think is questionable, please point it out! I'll research it further and if I got it wrong I'll fix it! I get mail from all over the world every week from nice folks who have interesting information they wish to share. I very much enjoy receiving that feedback!

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  20. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    BTW what is the best way to multiply the Zz plant? I can take a leaf out, put it in water or straight into soil?
  21. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    you can root the individual leaflets or the stem. two schools of thought: one says in soil/sand mix is best and the other says water.

    personally, due to it's nature of not liking to have wet feet, i'd use a moist soil/sand mix over water. you could put the leaflets in a container with moistened medium and place it in a spot where it gets some bright indirect light - you could even light cover the container to assist with keeping that moisture in the medium. just mist it if it gets too dry.

    these will take a long time to root and form the tuber. and even longer before they start sending new shoots up. so, be patient!!

    they're well worth the wait, though! i wish i'd thought about rooting them and done some investigating to see if it was possible before i lost mine!
  22. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    I have now 2 leaves in water. I'll wait and see what happens. I'll pull a couple more leaves and stick them in soil.... See which will do better. Thanks!! :D
  23. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

    Likes Received:
    philly, pa, usa 6b
    you're quite welcome!

    please update with which way worked better!
  24. Sandra75

    Sandra75 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    So far the ones in the soil seem to be doing better than the water ones. Leaves looks healthier in the soil than in the water....
  25. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

    Likes Received:
    philly, pa, usa 6b
    that makes sense since the plant doesn't like wet feet. i'd move them into soil then - bet they'll perk up in a couple of days!

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