Any ideas on why my water hyacinths (Eichornia crassipes) are dying? They were in our pond which gets morning sun and a bit of afternoon sun. They started to brown so I took them all out and put them in a giant tub of water in full sun, and still not looking good after a week. In fact, they're slimy and the leaves come right off. Our other pond plants are doing really well. I've had the water hyacinths for a few months and they've doubled in size, so it's not like they're in new water and in shock or anything.
Yup, Ron B is telling the truth, cool nights and less sun intensity = end of life cycle for water hyacinths and lettuce here. If you were in FLA they might take the winter... but then they have to battle Manatees for real estate.
So should I bring them indoors then, or do they come back in the spring after being dormant in the winter? I was told they were winter hardy and I wouldn't have to take them out over the winter when I bought them.
Hi Paulina, My water hyacinths are dying back also. I also beleive due to the drop in temps. I am going to try putting them in a tank with a florescent light over it inside and see if they make it through. I don't know about the Upper Fraser Valley, but they are quite expensive here in the North Okanagan. Good Luck! Deb:)
Well, I've brought my brood inside in a fishtank with a full spectrum light overhead and will let you know results as it goes.....critical thinker here! Wish me LUCK! Deb:)
We've overwintered them indoors in ponds under metal halide lights, and they've done reasonably well. Under fluorescent lights, they have survived until spring. However, since they are fairly cheap and readily available here in spring, there's not much point to overwintering. By the way, if you are having trouble finding them at garden centers, check the local pet and aquarium stores, if there are any in your area.
I guess I'll have to pick some up in the late spring when we usually go through there. They cost you an arm and a leg here! lol Deb:)
Strange that water hyacinths are "fairly cheap" in Calgary, and expensive in the Okanagan. I saw water lilies at the nursery last summer, they were $59.00 for ONE plant. I'll try the aquarium/pet stores this spring, thanks for the tip.
waterlillies range from about $40 and up near here, water hyacinth and lettuce usually run about 4 to 6$ each.
To keep water hyacinths alive and healthy enough for next year's growth, I calculated that I will need about 100 kWh for the 7 months it will stay under lights and heating in my home built propagator (4X4 40 watt fluorescent tubes, and a 200 watt heating cable, asssuming average of 10 hours on, 14 hours off), at a cost of about $5-6 (probably an unestimate). Water hyacinths in our local landscape supply sources cost about that much or even less for a small plant. Therefore, I treat tham like annuals, and reserve the space in the propagator for hard to come by seedlings.
Try a koi store Same problem here and I'm in Socal, my pond is just too shady for the winter mths. One fortunate thing is we have a large koi store just down the street and they sell them and lettuce, we got 2 of ea for about $5.00 total. So if ur in socal which im sure we have more sources than most :) u can search Westminster, Koi.