My husband bought me a lisbon lemon tree about 3 months ago, it's about 2 1/2 feet tall. I have tried to put it out on my balcony where it can get some sun and in about 30 minutes it begins to wilt. So I feel bad and bring it back in the house. But we originally bought it for the balcony and would love for it to be out there. Any suggestions as how I can get it to adjust to the sunlight. Other than that, it seems to be healthy, it is growing good.
think the best idea is to get it adjusted to the sun slowly, move it outside into indirect light, as this is still more light than it would get indoors, then over the course of a few weeks slowly move it so it can get more and more sun. i'm sure some of the citrus pro's might have some more detailed instructions, but that is how i try to do it with all my inside wintering plants.
Thank you very much. I found one tiny spot on my balcony where is in the shade most of the day. It gets some sun in the afternoon, but the very top, the newer is still shaded. It was out all day yesterday and though it started t droop a little but perked right back up in the late evening. I also have some babies out there that tended to burn in the sun, so I made some little umbrella shades out of some plastic lids and wooden dowels. they are just tall enough that they get sun in morning and evening but keeps them shaded in the hottest part of the afternoon. I need to take a pic of that.
oh just a quick follow up, you will also want to do the same thing at the end of the summer for your lemon, slowly start moving out out of the direct sunlight and back into the indirect light before you move it into the house. Other wise it could end up dropping most of its leaves everytime you move it in and out for the winter. Good luck!