This is my first rose plant and i seem to be having problems with it. I got it for valentines day. It was doing fine until about 4 days ago. All of a sudden the flowers started to wilt and the petals fell off and the stems on all the flowers have turned brown and easily brake off. Also the leaves around the flower have turned yellow but the bottom of the plant is green. I have been watering it as the directions say and its had tha same amount of light the entire time. Last week the buds were bluming and now they've all died off. please help me out.
Chance are pretty good it dried out. Plunge pot in clean container filled with clean water until bubbles stop rising. If you get no bubbles, then it was actually too wet. With potted roses grown in greenhouses this latter situation is far less likely, unless you had it sitting in water.
alright thanks...ill try that. It was bough from a supermarket so yeah it probably wasnt taken care of all tht great. do roses like really moist dirt, becasue the dirt is moist but not wet?
Well, we grow roses in the middle of the desert here, in soils that are basically sand. They like to have water, but not wet feet.