My Precious Jade needs help!

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by lottabubbles, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. lottabubbles

    lottabubbles Member

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    Montrea, Quebec, Canada
    This is my second large jade plant...not too sure what type exactly, but it's lovely. I've had this one almost a year now. The last one I had, which was enormous was accidently murdered by my boyfriend and his watering methods.

    This plant is right next to a south facing window, in our upstairs bathroom. Things were going very well until about a month ago, when I started to notice a couple of problems. Firstly, some of the leaves were wilting and drying up, and falling off. They also looked like they had some sparkly dust on them. I know it sounds odd, but I don't know how else to describe it.

    My brother inlaw said that I wasn't watering it enough, and that it needed to be watered every 10 days at least in the summer. I watered it a lil more often, but I was nervous, as overwatering had killed my last jade, rotting her roots to death.

    I've cut back on the watering, and giving less water when I do water...pouring the water into the dish under the plant, as opposed to directly onto the soil.

    And yesterday, one big branch fell right off the plant. Another lil branch looks rotten, black and rubbery and withered.

    I really need some help here! Any adivce would be highly appreciated. If need be, I can post a pic. (I think.)

  2. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    Not sure what the sparkles could be, maybe dust like particles from "something" man made.
    Putting water into a dish under the plant is probably keeping the soil wet.
    It sounds like your second jade is being over watered. To be sure, you can ck the roots. If they are rotting, you'll need to take cuttings.
    Do you have a picture of the plant and pot together?
  3. lottabubbles

    lottabubbles Member

    Likes Received:
    Montrea, Quebec, Canada
    Thanks so much for getting back to me. I have no idea how to check the roots without removing the plant from the pot, which I didn't think was such a good idea. It doesn't look like it needs to be repotted. Maybe I should just water it from the top of the soil instead.

    I don't have a pic of the plant right at this moment, but I can take one tomorrow and then post it here.

  4. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY

    It wouldn't be repotting really. Sometimes you are able to remove the plants with the rootball pretty much firmly attached and inspect the roots, then slide it back into the same pot. The soil should be draining well and not be heavy.

    You can ck the roots of any plant by tapping the pots side on a hard surface like a table. The pot should be laid over on it's side or tilted somewhat while "tapping". If the pots too big for the plant (overpotting) then I probably wouldn't do it.
    Sometimes just feeling the main stem (s) closest to the soil will let you know if it's rotting, it would feel soft or mushy, although you said it was like that in places already with black leaves and wilted rubbery stems which is a sign of rot.

    You want to keep your jade and any other plant you may have on the snug side in it's pot, cuttings as well with with an inch of room from the rootball to the inside of the pot.
    Water your really good from above and after a few minutes, spill out any water that drains in the saucer so it not sitting in water. Let the soil dry out between each watering. If your not sure if the soil is dry or not way down, you can feel the soil with a finger as far down as you can go, or feel the soil through the drain hole.
    Like mentioned, if the roots have rotted, you can take a few healthy cuttings and they should root easily. Do the same method with cuttings, water and let dry.
    Jades also like lots of light.
  5. cactuslover

    cactuslover Member

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    Burnaby BC
    need nice photos of your plant

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