While I had great success last year with a new passion flower plant, it took over my west-facing deck (on a high floor of a Vancouver bldg). In October I moved it to another n.w. facing deck, which gets direct sun from sunrise to about 11-- but good unobstructed light all day. I mulched it in a container and was pleased to see strong shoots appear in February. It now has many lively vines but no buds and it looks more like a clematis than a passion flower. What's happened? Fertilizer suggestions seem to vary greatly. Do passion flower vines go into a "leaf only" mode? How can I get flowers again?
I don't know which passion vine you have, but most like warm conditions. You might need to wait for more heat before they start to bloom. I don't grow it here, but it seems I don't see these flowers around town til later in the summer.