My Palm Tree is Rapidly dying

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by maestro89, May 21, 2006.

  1. maestro89

    maestro89 Member

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    New York City
    I rescued this palm last summer from the street, brought it in for winter and it was doing fine until a week or so ago. It had lots of big green stems and many new ones on the way. Overnight the older green ones went limp. I assumed it was because spring is here and was normal. The new shoots have been opening and drooping immediately too. I just went and tugged at one of the new ones and it came right out. See Photo's - I have no idea what type of tree this is sorry.

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  2. LPN

    LPN Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Courtenay, Vancouver Island
    This palm is Phoenix roebelinii. It appears to be affected at the growth point in the crown, by what, seems unclear in the pics. The white colored regions nearest the growth spears are what concern me. If you can determine what this is in a timely fashion, you may be able to save the palm. Have you checked for mealy bugs or fungus? This palm also needs more light than it is getting in that location. Bright but not direct light and fresh air will aid while you sort out it's problem.

    Cheers, LPN.
  3. maestro89

    maestro89 Member

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    New York City
    Thank you for your reply. The white powder is like a skin that encases the new shoots. As they open, it falls - the "skin" covers the entire length of the new shoots and peals away on it's own. I will look for bugs or any insects, however this has been inside since September last year before it got too cold and was doing great until 2 weeks ago. Also, I have 3 artificial lights that I utilize in the evening for it..

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