I started a blog on my yard and trials in germinating seeds and growing all different types of palms and plants. I am very new to this so any tips are appreciated. So here is the link. http://anotherfortpierceyard.blogspot.com/
Quite neat. Have you checked out 2ndlight.com's garden forum (based on Merritt Island) or the Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society?
Thanks for the feedback guys. I am really excited about doing this. I will update often so keep checking back. And Dave thanks for the sites have not been there before.
Ah, not having to artificially create a tropical environment in order to grow things like this would be great. The paph orchids are just amazing you've been growing, great job, keep it up!
Just took a fresh look at the blog. The orchids are amazing. My own yard is going crazy in the wake of last Sunday night's downpour. Grass woke up, Salvia coccinea started flowering, and newly-planted Easter lily bulbs are already breaking the surface.
Dave, this is my first spring paying attention to my surrounding. It is amazing how fast all the plants just burst into growth. That rain definitely got things jump started. This wind has sucked for my banana trees shredding a lot of the leaves. I have had a lot a new palm sprouts and have been collecting photos on there growth. I have just posted 3 months of growth on palms that I started from seeds back in Jan. I have some Washingtonia filifera's growing faster than some weeds in my yard.
I love your enthusiasm and love of plants and where you live. I'd like to start a similar site for Oahu, Hawaii. My pet peeves include web sites and advertisements that unexpectedly blast me with music. Consider making the music optional.