My Liquid Amber Tree has falling branches. We are having a heat wave in Northern Calif. The roots are making my grass burn up. What makes these branches fall? Should i water more often. Please, I need help! My tree has those sticky balls that are sharp. My neighbor told me that's what my tree is called.
We have a Liquid Amber with falling branches also, and we're in Sacramento! But, the heatwave that you described has now passed, and we are having alternating days of "typical" NorCal Summer weather, and unseasonably cooler days. Yet, both branches that fell (it's happened twice now) have been in the last week. Does anybody know if heat is the cause, or if there is another problem? Thanks.
Hi, I had a tree service trim my liquid amber, It was the very first time since i lived here. The tree is fine now, so far no more braches falling.
We have a lot of these in my area some very big and old. I suspect the heat would have had some bearing on it. They are as tough as old boots , or at least they are here. They were the front garden tree of choice down in Melbourne about 40 years ago. People quiet often give them a hair cut and off they go again. They do seem to have an extensive root system and quiet often grass is not very happy under them. We have been in drought some years now and they are still going. Watering is not allowed unless it's grey water or tank. Mulching under it for the next year might help it to retain water if your weather is dry. Liz
Hi, Thanks for the reply. It helps me to understand why this tree branches fall. Have a wonderful rest of the summer..............Marv