My "money tree" is... help!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by kschwebel, May 17, 2008.

  1. kschwebel

    kschwebel Member

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    San Diego, CA, USA
    OK, so I am TOTALLY new at this, so I hope I'm doing it right, but I have a concerm about my darling little tree. I have her in a smallish pot (the one I got her in about a week ago), and she WAS perky and green and radient, and now a couple of her leaves are browning, and some are drooping. She still looks lovely, but I'm concerned that something is wrong. Perhaps she just needs to be re- potted? I'm watering her daily (sometimes twice when it's hot and she dries a bit), so what else is there?
    Please help me out! I'm a new plant mommy, and I want to do right by this pretty little lady! Thank you all!
  2. LNG24

    LNG24 Member

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    Wappingers Falls, NY, USA
    I am new too, but I was told NOT to water them more than once a week.
  3. Flaxe

    Flaxe Active Member

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    Could you be a bit more specific? Are one or two random leaves browning or are entire 5-7-leaved branches completely browning? A picture might help too. By the sounds of it, it sounds like you're watering it far too often. What region do you live in/US state/CAD province etc (or at least average day temperatures wherever part of the house it is)?

    Do not water if it "dries a bit". Water only when it's bone dry after 1-2 weeks, depending where you live. Repotting won't do anything beneficial but possibly put the plant in more stress, and give you a chance to inspect the stem area where it meets the soil. It may be the case that the overwatering is causing your roots to rot, or the trunk to rot.

    I would let it dry out completely, keep it out of damaging full sunlight (exposed to natural light at a window, avoid direct sunlight). Do not fertilize. Cut off the portions on the leaves that are brown. They're not going to become green again, and taking off dying leaves will help reduce the stress in maintaining unwanted foliage. Don't take off branches now, only the brown parts, and some whole leaves if necessary. Use discretion. Remember not to overwater.

    A note: plants just taken/bought from a greenhouse are bound to deteriorate at some levels when moved to a new owner's home. Give it time to accustom itself. Everything in moderation. Remember wait for soil to dry out completely. Then, drench completely in water until water runs out from drain holes at bottom. Leave be until dried out completely again. If this problem persists, it might be a mineral/nutrient deficiency or pest, or some parts have rotted too much. Post pictures in the forum. I'm sure many will be willing to chip in for help. For now try not to overwater.
  4. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    First thing that needs to be resolved is what kind of "money tree"? There are at least 3 plant species, probably more, that use that common name. A photo would certainly help us firgure out what you are growing.

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