My maple craze!

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Hybrid Theory, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Hybrid Theory

    Hybrid Theory Active Member

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    Cincy, OH
    This summer alone I've purchased 4 Bloodgoods, 1 Moonfire, 1 Orange Dream 1Shishigashira, 1 Dwarf Bloodgood, 1 Inaba Shidare, and 2 Gwen's Rose Delight. I got all of them for about a quarter of what they should of cost. I'll tell ya its amazing how good of a sweet talker my dad is : ) My wife makes fun of me and said we are going to have a japanese forest and thats just fine with me. I'll get pics up within the next couple days. Now from what I"ve read about about maples I know their are all different growths depending on what you have. My trees on average have grown at least 8 inches since april. Does that sound good? I only put root stimulater down when I planted them. I was just curious if that is good for how long I've had them. Most of my trees are at least 4 feet tall.

  2. mattlwfowler

    mattlwfowler Active Member Maple Society

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    South Carolina, USA
    That sounds about right for in ground plantings for those varieties. Shishigashira will sometimes only grow about 2 inches, but then will send out shoots around 8 to 12 inches. Shirazz at the nursery grew very fast under high water and high fertilization (about 2 foot on average over the summer). I don't expect it to grow that fast under normal conditions.
  3. Hybrid Theory

    Hybrid Theory Active Member

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    Cincy, OH
    it was funny today I was at HomeDepot and found a bloodgood for sale for 149.99 which I would not pay from there but as I was walking through the garden center I found one marked for 40.00. Well when I got home I figured out why it was so cheap, it was marked as a pear tree. needless to say I came home with it.

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