My Crimson Queen- Update- New leaves

Discussion in 'Maples' started by tugo, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. tugo

    tugo Active Member

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    Dear friends

    Following the link

    Today is really a very very special day for me.

    My Crimson Queen after having all her leaves fallen down in last august, TODAY has her first new leaves coming out. So I am very happy.

    Although I have read allmost all written in the UBC forum, since this is mine one and the only one JM, now I really need your valuable advices fort this season. (Zone 9)

    - Is it usual for Crimson Queen to give away the leaves, every hot summer?

    If not;
    -Last year I had bought it on May and though it was quite hot I had immediately transplanted her to the garden. Was this a mistake?
    -Though I had protected her with a sun screen, may be that was not enough ?

    - Could you pls also tell me how to take care of her ( some weeks ago I had fertilised her) and what can I do to protect her from the summer heat, else then screening and mulching.?

    -Last year it had also many gren leaves on it. But it seems the new comers are red ( at least for now) Does that mean any thing?

    I know, you guys have lots of beautiful JMs, different sorts, this mine little beauty has too much value for me.

    Thanking you in advance Hi to all from Istanbul.

  2. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    beautiful job Tugo!!! compliments
  3. tugo

    tugo Active Member

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    Alex, dear friend; compliments for me or for the "Italian born" Queen?:))

    Awaiting your comments for the rest of my questions pls,have to be sure for how and what to do, for the better days.
  4. paxi

    paxi Active Member

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    St. Louis
    As always please pay attention to those with more experience than I but here are my answers to your questions:

    1) Although more heat tolerant than average, it is absolutely normal to see some browning or lose some leaves on crimson queen (or any japanese maple) during summer. During this stage you can do much more harm than good by overreacting. Water normally (relatively constant moisture but not waterlogged) and if the damage seems really excessive provide some shade (with considerations of transplantation when dormant

    2) It is generally recommended not to transfer during times of stress (e.g. extreme heat) but if that was last may, and you are leafing out now, then no worries! what is done is done and it looks like it turned out fine!

    3) You're spot on about the mulching. I think the main thing is to provide a relatively steady amount of deep watering to keep things "lightly" moist. I'm not sure whether shading is necessary but consider shading for 1-2 years more until better established and then test weaning it away.

    4) The red leaves that you are seeing are quite desirable! The nice part about this cultivar is that it holds that color that you are seeing for a good part of the growing season.

    Good luck and keep us posted on this tree,
  5. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    yes i agree with advice of Paxi;now one question for you Tugo, you see in the wild acer heldreichiii ssp trautvetteri,or Hyrcanum?this maples have natural habitah in Turchia,sorry Turchia is italian version like your maple ;-)))ciao
  6. tugo

    tugo Active Member

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    Dear Paxi and Alex; thanks for your comments and will keep them in mind. The little queen is putting out everyday new leaves making me more happy than ever. This is my first year with her and I am getting more experienced fort he coming years.

    Alex, I am not an expert on botanics but I can say that although we have 5-6 domestic types of acer, they are not used in the gardens etc. And not seen in the urban places. Only the imported 2-3 types of acer, like mine, are a bit well known.

    Wild acer heldreichiii ssp trautvetteri,or Hyrcanum, from what I read, are also found in different parts of Turkey, in small groups and wild as you mentioned. So I had no chance to see till now. They are mostly on the Balkan mountains, Black sea costs and on the South Taurus mountains.

    There are mentioned other types such as;
    Acer cappadocicum
    Acer platanoides L.
    Acer pseudoplatanus L.
    Acer platanoides

    Incase you are interested in seeds or cuttings for propagation, I do not promise but I believe I can get to contact some friends from those areas who can help us and need some time. Otherweays it is no problem form e to search.

    Also I am very sorry to hear the earth quake damage happened in L'Aquila and hope non of your family or friends have suffered. This natural catastrophe happens also too often by us and gives too much damage.

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