it's getting worse the mold is spreading i've had my cactus for 7 months and my cactus is getting mold can i save it some how i tryed alittle soapy water but it didn't help if some one could help i'd be greatful thanks omni
That appears to be a condition called "corking" meaning the skin of the cactus comes to look like cork. That appears to be an Opuntia species. Corking is very common on Opuntia, especially the bottom section that is in the ground. Corking, to my understanding is unstoppable and quite normal. Maybe TonyR or someone will step in to confirm or not. Bill
It is just growing a layer of thick protective bark. In the wild, this would help protect it from rodents, etc.
If your still unsure what it is try using 1 cap of Hydrogen Peroxide to 5 oz of water. The HP will kill the mold and NOT hurt the Cactus. Good Luck