Identification: Mushrooms growing in sawdust

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by Sundrop, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. Sundrop

    Sundrop Well-Known Member

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    Kootenays, BC, Canada
    I wonder what kind of mushrooms are these. Are they all of the same kind? Probably not? The mushroom on the two bottom pictures can be also seen on the first picture in the top-left corner. The spore print taken from that mushroom is the same colour as the gills. Growing in 6 years old sawdust. Thanks.

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  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Hi Sundrop,

    The specimen in the first three photos has a real Paxillus look about it.

    The final two photos are probably of a Cortinarius, given the rusty gill colour.

    What tree species are nearby?

    Thanks for posting these!
  3. Sundrop

    Sundrop Well-Known Member

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    Kootenays, BC, Canada
    Hi Frog,
    All of them were growing at the same time, after a long period of very heavy rains, in a pile of Birch sawdust, at least 1 ft. high in the pile. There are young Fir and Spruce trees very close, but the mushrooms were growing in the sawdust not in the soil. A few days later there was another mushroom looking like a cross between the two, growing in my lawn close to a Black Locust tree, with a Fir also close, but farther than the Locust.
    The mushroom on the two bottom pictures looks darker than it really was because I took the pictures inside, in much darker conditions. In reality it was of the same colour as the rest of them.

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