My first identification attempt; I believe that it is Pleurocybella porrigens, Angel Wings. Any help? Thanks.
So, it could be rather Pleurotus, but I am not an expert. Hopefully Frog will have a look at this thread and tell us what it is for sure.
Yes, thanks. The size led me to believe that they are Angel Wings as opposed to Oysters. But Oysters generally grow on conifers and Oysters on hardwoods and the log is probably alder. So possibly young oysters.
Agreed, would be Pleurotus, if the wood is hardwood - good call y'all! Angel Wings are generally a bit thin fleshed, Oysters a bit oomphier I find. Angel Wings are usually found in the Fall. ... The timing of mushrooms with seasonal associations is a bit wacky this year, presumably due to the early spring and other weather effects. whee! :-) frog