I was wondering if anyone could help me identify these mushrooms. I dont have any other information except the pictures. An educated guess would be great. Thanks in advance.
I believe the second mushroom is Bovista pila. A type of puffball mushroom. Still no clue on the first one. Help me out people.
It's been quiet because the pictures aren't telling enough. For example, I can't tell if the mushroom in the second pic even has a stem or whether it has gills. As for the first, I would venture a guess or two if I could see the color of the gills.
the gills are brown. I wish I had more imformation and better pictures. I randomly took the picture and after thinking about getting it identified couldnt locate it again. The 2nd pic doesnt have a stem. I cut one open and it was white throughout.
Bolbitius vitellinus (left) and Bovista sp. (right), both being typical lawn dwellers. Cheers, Harri Harmaja http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/harmaja/index.htm