multi headed palm/date tree

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by mike satiar, May 4, 2006.

  1. mike satiar

    mike satiar Member

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    Reply from Royal Horticultural Society, United Kingdom reports as follows:

    Dear Mr Satiar

    Thank you for your enquiry to the Royal Horticultural Society's Members'
    Advisory Service.

    Our Botanists have made the following further comments:

    "Now that we have a picture we can see that it is not a Hyphaene (Hyphaene are
    fan-leaved). Aberrant, multi-headed plants are rare, but have been recorded for
    several species, including species of Cocos. See for example the palm
    aberrations shown on the web at:
    Multi-headed trees are thought to be caused by injury to the growing point by
    insects or a physical force such as lightning.
    We should thank Mr Satiar for sending the picture which is certainly very
    interesting. If the above website is any indication, this tree may well set a
    new record for its multiple heads."

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    I hope this information is helpful and that you are successful with your

    Yours sincerely

    Nicola Hunt
    Horticultural Advice Co-ordinator
    Royal Horticultural Society's Garden

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