New to coastal (warm climate) gardening -everything's different! My old Prairie nursery just informed me that they've had a crop failure for the 20 Mugo Pine seedlings I've had on order since Jan! Any suggestions for a different mail-order source, or at last resort, seeds? Thanks!
I don't think the following companies do mail order but perhaps a purchase could be arranged through one of their wholesalers. Might be worth an inquiry. Cedar Rim Nursery - Inventory list Piroche Plants - Conifer listing
Note web page copyrights and other dates associated with their online materials. I have seen nothing recent.
There were online job postings for Piroche as recent as this month. I wonder if it went out of business but was then resurrected. Getting back on topic...after rereading the posting the OP may be more interested in seedlings than mature plants:Pinus Mugo Pumilio Seeds (Dwarf Mugo Pine Seeds)