We have been gradually replacing the grass in our lawn with clover with some success. This year there were no holes dug by crows, raccoons and skunks looking for chafer beetle larvae. However, there are quite a few muddy patches, and I'm wondering why. Was the clover affected by that very cold spell we had? Will it grow back? Any ideas greatly appreciated.
No low-lying areas, in fact the lawn is higher than the path through it. Still a lot of bare earth showing, although thanks to the dry weather lately it's no longer muddy.
Thanks for the suggestion. My research reveals that Sclerotinia trifoliorum affects mostly red clover, and our lawn is planted with white clover. I will look more closely to see if there are signs of mold or fungus; I haven't noticed any so far.
Sclerotinia trifoliorum affects different plants, even fava beans. But I can't be sure. My guess is based on your photos only, there are no close views to affected plants, only general impression of damaged lawn.