I am thinking of moving to Alamogordo new mexico in the summer and I was wondering if the weather will support my palms I currently have a majesty, a date palm, a washingtonia robusta hybrid, and several washintonia fiflifera's. I was also thinking of moving to phoenix but I heard the crime was bad so I was hoping anybody could fill me in on a perfect place that would support my palms so I could leave them outdoors most of the time. In that area. Thank you for any future inputs. Tom c
This chart leads me to believe it'd be too cold for your palms most years. http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliFTrec.pl?nmalam Tucson might be a good compromise. HTH Chris
Might be too late for advice as this thread is months old, but try Tempe. It's built up but still has a small town feel. I mover here in Dec 05 from Michigan and have no regrets whatsoever.