Moving a Daphne

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Quincys Slave, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Quincys Slave

    Quincys Slave Active Member

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    Ladner BC
    I have a Daphne Transatlantica that I love, it's about 5 years old and very fragrant. Unfortunately it has to be moved because we are having our patio replaced and have to remove fence panels in order to get equipment in. I have read that Daphne will die if moved but I have no choice. Does anyone have any tips to try and prevent it from dying?
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    I don't really have any tips on moving it, but I have moved Daphne odora plants on occasion and never lost any of those. I would try not to disturb the roots too much and make sure the new position is as similar to the previous as possible--same soil, same sun exposure.
  3. woodschmoe

    woodschmoe Active Member 10 Years

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    gulf island, bc, canada
    Dig a deeper than usual rootball, as these have a fairly long tap root which if extensively damaged, often accounts for the stories of Daphne transplant mortality. You won't get all of it, but the more you do the better your chances. Muck it in as well (puddle the soil in the hole) to avoid any air pockets around the roots, and you might be alright.

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