I was given a moth orchid for my birthday. The beautiful blooms lasted about a month but the leaves seem to be doing ok until yesterday I noticed the base of a middle of three leaves is starting to turn yellow...what do you think it is?
Let it dry out more between waterings - overwatering kills orchids all the time, and phalaenopsis (your plant) needs a break from it after flowering.
You are such a special lady. Thank you once again. I did repot the boston fern with some coarse fishtank gravel and asked it to live. Hoping it will. Sure do love my plants and sure don't want to lose any of them. Thank you some more. Have a blessed day.
You are such a special lady. Thank you once again. I will do what you suggested with the moth orchid. Also, I did repot the boston fern with some coarse fishtank gravel and asked it to live. Hoping it will. Sure do love my plants and sure don't want to lose any of them. Thank you some more. Have a blessed day.