I never even heard of Meliosma, and now it's all over the place, in the garden anyway. I'm not sure I'd recognize it out on the street. Posted so far have been Meliosma cuneifolia Meliosma veitchiorum (first photos in the thread) Today we saw Meliosma oldhamii var. oldhamii and Meliosma pinnata var. oldhamii (I can't tell if GRIN is saying this the same thing as the previous one, as GRIN says for M. oldhamii: "Meliosma pinnata (Roxb.) Maxim. subsp. barbulata (Cufod.) Beusekom var. oldhamii (Miq.) Beusekom"). This one is near the entrance walkway; a lot of the flowers seemed to be hidden amongst the leaves. Ron B mentioned in one of the previous postings that the inflorescences of Sorbaria have a similar appearance. This Sorbaria tomentosa is in bloom now as well.
Research Technician Beryl Zhuang pointed out another Meliosma veitchiorum to us today, just visible near the fence east of the south entrance to the moongate. Lots of fruits on this one.
The fruits on the Meliosma veitchiorum at the fence above the moon gate have coloured up nicely now and are very visible.