More Blue Spruce

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by arbina, May 9, 2007.

  1. arbina

    arbina Member

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    montreal, canada
    I have a blue spruce that is almost a store higher than my 3 storey house. The trunk
    is about 2 feet from the wall and 4 feet from the cement walk up to the front door. When I bought the house 27 years ago, it was a small blue spruce. The branches close to the ground have been cut off when they seem to have died or be dying. The trunk makes a little bump around an area where the roof sticks out, then it goes back in again and looks extremely happy to have been liberated from the short distance from the wall and the roof part. Very healthy branches up there, tons of cones (on the ground as well) and needles. I have no more lawn left but I do have beautiful ferns, lillies of the vally and moss, and even mushrooms. I love the tree but am now wondering if it is safe to keep it. It looks very healthy apart from being increasingly bare towards the ground. Perhaps it is trying to balance itself since branches would have no space on the side of the trunk that "faces" the wall.

    Greatful for advice,k

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