I have a braided money tree which has grown about a foot in the last year or so. The other day I set the plant in the pot outside and forgot about it for a couple of days. It was in the direct sun the temperature was about 97 degrees. Some of the leaves turned white in that time. Do you suppose the plants will be ok? I put fresh dirt in the pot and put the plant back in it's spot in the house. Should I trim the white leaves or fertilize or anything? Thank you for any information you can give me.
Hi, I'm not familiar with a 'money tree' but it's a good thing you took your plant out of the direct sun and brought it back inside. I wouldn't recommend fertilizing it - the plant would need it's leaves and photosyntetic ability to use the nutrients in the fertilizer and the plant's probably in no condition to grow. You're post said that some of the leaves are white. Remove the leaves if they wither. Otherwise, you should probably wait to see how it recovers.