Hello, I have a money tree plant, which appears to be dying. It is over 5 years old and has been through a lot. It previously had all the leaves fall off and I thought it was dead. The wify cut the top off and put it outside in the sun in spring (we are in Ontario). It grew back from the trunk. Then it had mealy bugs. I washed the entire plant and used the insecticide soap, which worked to get rid of the mealy bugs. Now, we have recently moved and have noticed the leaves seem to have some sort of disease and look like something is eating them. What can I do to solve this? Thanks in advance.
Hello, You said you recently moved and you live in Ontario. Could it be a frost bite ? My money tree that I had to move in January last year by a glorious -35ยบ had some marks like that at the exact places the plastic in which we had protected the plant touched the foliage. Could it be it ?
Thank you for your reply. My response is very late! When we moved, it was October 28, and was about 15-20 degrees C (if I remember correctly). It was unusually warm that fall. I have the money tree in front of a bay window, on a stand, in the apartment. It is always warm in the living room area, so I am stumped as to what it could be. It never saw freezing temperatures. Other than this problem, it seems to be healthy. I will have to do a detailed Google search for this one. Thanks again.