Please help me identify this mold/??? that I believe is hurting my fig tree. Your help is truly appreciated! Yes, Household Plant Water once a week
I've noticed the appearance of mushrooms and little yellow balls of fungus at times during the year in my containers when the conditions are just right. They don't seem to harm my plants. Scrape them away if it bothers you. The damage to the leaf looks suspiciously similar to that from spider mites. Is there any sign of webbing?
I will scrape, thank you! No signs of webbing. I am concerned not enough water BUT with the mold thinking it can't be not enough.
Hi there, I would personally doubt that mould is harming your tree in any way. I also grow these plants and the issues wouldn't cause me to look twice. However, I would guess that if mould is able to grow on the surface of the soil that there might be too much water in the soil for that particular plant. It appreciates drying down about an inch into the soil. I am always a little wary of instructions like "water once a week" because it really depends on how much water the plant is using. More light and longer exposure time and drier environment all contribute to water use. Contrarily, if it's getting less light and the temps are cool it needs less water. But in any case, I would guess there isn't too much to worry about. Let us know if anything progresses.
Thank you so very much Andrew for the email, I appreciate your thoughts and will modify my watering. Enjoy your day!