Mission Fig loosing leaves

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Lishy, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. Lishy

    Lishy Member

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    British Columbia, Canada
    We bought a 3' Mission Fig about 1 month ago. We had it outside beside our green house, but it began losing leaves. I moved it in to the green house thinking it may like more warmth, but it is still dropping leaves!!

    Can anyone help me out with the best care to give it, it's dislikes and any reasons why it may be doing this?

    Thank you!!
  2. fattoria

    fattoria Member

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    Grass Valley CA
    If this tree was transplanted in any way, this couldbe the reason and it will grow new leaves. When any plant is in a pot the soil must stay consistently moist and if it drys out at any time it will be schocked in some way and losing leaves could be this reason. Anytime I buy a plant that will remain in a container for a long time, I always re pot using good soil that does not contain so much peat or wood chips as this dries out so fast. Nursuries use this type of soil mix as it reduces weight during transporting and handling. Once you let it dry out is becomes impossible to get it wet again and when you think you are giving the plant water, it sometimes runs doun the side of the pot to the drain holes. Good luck!

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