Minneola Tangelo Tree

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by kthlngray, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. kthlngray

    kthlngray Member

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    Port Charlotte, fl
    I planted my tree last year; it was approximately 4'-5' tall. It produced 3 oranges and now the leaves are starting to fall off from the tree and it looks like it is dying. There are no new leaves or blossoms on it. I have a lemon tree which is loaded with blossoms. What is happening to my orange tree and what can I do to help it live.
    Thank you
  2. toutlan

    toutlan Active Member

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    orlando florida usa
    first thing, dont count on any more fruit for a few years.i bought a citrus tee when in bloom it produced once and havent seen a flower in two years. it was probably blooming when you bought it. as far as the leaves falling off may be light issues or soil conditions.not real versed on feeding of citrus other than citrus fertilizer
  3. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    Citrus need lots of air around their roots, if your tree is in a place where water is standing it will cause the roots to rot, that will cause the leaves to drop. Another possible cause is pest-- do you see any signs of insects (scale, mites, whiteflies)?

    Citrus are heavy feeders and need to be fertilized often-- young trees about a cup once a month between Feb and Sept. They also need trace minerals-- if your fertilizer does not have them you need to add them separately.


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