Hi! I was wondering if anyone could tell me what is wrong with this Mimosa hostilis seedling, I think I left it in propagation for too long and I'm not sure how serious it is or whether its savable. Cheers
It looks like a healthy plant to me...what's wrong? If you're talking about the small bubble things shooting off from the stem and leaves, those are glandular trichomes. I'm not sure how often they're found on M. hostilis though, but they're part of the plant, a healthy sign nonetheless.
Thats what I initially thought but why are they only on a couple of the seedlings that have slowed right down in growth and take longer to open out each morning (the leaves shut every night). And the healthier looking larger seedlings are totally smooth? OOH! I just did some googling, eat my words, your right. apologies, So... Why do only a few have trichomes? I guess the plant would slow down growth if it started to produce them though. Cheers
It's normal for them to fold their leaves at night. Some take longer to grow than others :) Not sure why some have and don't have trichomes, I'm not sure if maybe your supplier mixed seeds up, or that's just a variation, as I've never grown them.
Cheers, your right, I was just panicking because I have been keeping them in a really moist environment, I thought it was the beginning of some weird mold!