Hi, I have three milk cacti along with a few other cacti in a large planter. The three milk cacti are fairly young, they're about 2 feet-2 and a half feet tall. Two of them already have established "arms". But, for about a month now they've been going crazy growing. They've each grown about an inch or two, and all of them are growing TONS of new "arms". One of them has an established arm, but two new baby arms are growing into the side of the established arm. I'm afraid that the established arm is going to interfere with the two baby's growth. I was wondering if I should propagate the established arm? The two baby arms are already colliding with the established arm in a big way. Thanks! Lakota
Do you mean "African Milk tree" (Euphorbia trigona)?. If so then they will really need pots of their own. They are not "true" cacti, and will very quickly outgrow what ever true cacti you have in that planter. You can put them separately or together into another pot, but I wouldn't cut any parts off of them yet. M. PS. If you are talking about another plant, then ignore me ;)
No, I believe these are Euphorbia Acrurensis... but I could be wrong. I'll try to get some pictures. So I should just let the two arms collide with the established arm? -Lakota