What is everyone's thoughts on Mikazuki and Amagi Shigure being planted in the ground? I have a spot in my yards that gets 8hours of late day full sun. I was thinking of keeping Amagi Shigure in a pot and planting the Mikazuki. Do people think these are both really beautiful in the garden?
@Connor Sullivan Good morning Connor and welcome to the forum, both of these trees are absolutely wonderful, I do have them in my garden. My only concern is the amount of afternoon sun you are considering giving them. Maples are an understory tree that prefer dappled shade or are planted to give morning sun and afternoon shade. Now some of the reds can take full sun rather well and keep their colour better when placed as such, but Mikazuki and Amagi Shigure IMO are not full sun lovers. So if you want the best for these two, I would reconsider your thoughts on placement. If you have another place in the ground that has some afternoon shade, then I would say go for it. If not it may have to be a pot. Hope thats of a help
@Connor Sullivan just thought I would post these two photos of mine this morning. New growth in September!!!
@Acerholic Thanks for these photos. BTW how do I start a new thread on this forum? I can't seem to find how.
@Ken Hamilton good morning Ken, you are welcome !! Regarding a new thread, just go to the particular forum you want to post on, ie maple forum for example. Then on the right upper area you will see a green box saying ' post new thread '. Click on that and the rest is straight forward.. Hope thats of help.
Hi D pics of two of my ground Amagi's still showing and holding the colours and reticulation at this late time , the potted ones are well spent now, also my Mikazuki will need to go somewhere else for next year took a good beating this year with the wind.
Thank you very much for the quick reply! Do you have a good recommendation for a Japanese maple that can tolerate full sun? I do like those bright pink colored maples, osakazuki japanese maple has caught my eye recently and of course the Japanese Princess. Mr. Maple brothers have said Beni Shi en can do really well in full sun. I planted a Bloodgood last October and it has done so well in my full sun garden, no leaf scorch at all! Thank you!
@Acerholic I have a Shishigashira and Mikawa Yatsubusa I am wanting to plant in my front yard when the weather gets cooler, do you have a recommendation on when(month) to plant a maple? I figured October would be a good month to plant? Thank you!
@Connor Sullivan Hi Connor, the recommendation from Mr Maple is a very good one IMO. I have attached a link from the forum where it was also discussed. Acer palmatum 'Beni shi en' The reds like the sun and it also helps keep their colours well throughout the Summer months. Osakasuki is a green btw and turns a flaming red in the Autumn. I have had this one for the past 30 years and it always performs well, but it does get afternoon shade. So if you want red in the Summer, this is not the one for you. Japanese princess is very special, but again I am not sure if it will do too well in full sun. IMO.
I do all my Autumn planting in September as the soil is still warm, this allows the roots to establish a little more before the Winter cold. Now obviously it depends on your temperature in Oregon, but IMO looking at your temperatures, the end of September will be fine.
The only word I had to check was "brotar", it confirmed what I had guessed from the photo ;^) Very similar to the French actually : "Mon A.S. commence à pousser légèrement". Not sure the French verb "brouter" (to graze) has the same etymology. Old French "brost" : young shoot of tree, from some old Germanic language. I would be curious to know the etymology of the Spanish "brotar"...
I'd say just after leaf-fall, which can be a different period depending where you live. Here, it could be October, or even until mid-November. I had a look at average temperatures in Oregon (which is very big, so does that really mean something?) and it doesn't seem to be as cold in the winter as I thought, but colder than what we can have here : Oregon climate: Average Temperature, weather by month, Oregon weather averages - Climate-Data.org Very nice, healthy trees by the way.
Barrel of laughs, somehow you managed to get a city named Oregon in the state of Ohio, was a very funny read indeed!!! Not sure that is where Connor is located. Weather nothing like the Oregon coast where I live over 2400 miles/3900 kilometers away.
Holly jukebox ! (as Robin, in the TV series could have said) I can't believe I've been so stupid. I had a quick chek, but when scrolling down the page after your post I can read "In Oregon (Lake Erie),"... I know there are several cities called "Paris" in the US, and Bismark, Baton Rouge, etc. But to me "Oregon" sounded native American, I couldn't imagine that two different First American languages could have a similar name for a place. Or is it from the Italians ? Oregano, or the French (would be more likely) origan ? Oregon state superficy : 254,806 km2 Ferance superficy : 643 801 km² And we alreday have at least 4 different climatic zones. So, Connor O'Sullivan mate, maybe you should add a city in the 30 miles or so where you live so that people can picture out in what environment you live. For instance, I live near Orléans, France. But if you just type "nr Orleans", you will probably end in Louisiana, in the French quarter ;^) David Bromberg, I saw him play in a "folk festival" when back from a year Scotland, in 1977, watching the stage and listening to the music from our tent in the grass, he sang this song. He's now much fatter, but still a great guitar player ;0)
Although this was meant to be about two maples and not the Cheering ourselves up thread. I have had such a laugh at the last two postings. Brilliant G @wind-borne and @AlainK .
Hey! I live in Eugene Oregon. In the summer time we usually get about 15-20 days of 92+ temps and in the winter it usually never gets lower than 20 degrees. We are kinda a Goldilocks state in terms of weather. I’m thinking about planting the Shishigashira, Mikawa and Mikazuki in late September/early October. I was searching around Mr. Maple brothers website and they have all 3 of those cultivars listed in there SUN TOLERANT recommendations section up to zone 9. Eugene is zone 8b. I have high hopes the Mikazuki will be able to take some 8hours days of 90 degree weather. :/ fingers crossed.
@AlainK @Acerholic Thank you for all the info! I really appreciate seasoned Maple lovers helping a newbie out! Also I got all my maples from Sam (the maple lady) at East Fork Nursery in La Center Washington! I found the Shishigashira in Eugene though for $85!
@Connor Sullivan good morning Connor, you are welcome. Regarding your possible new purchases from Mr Maple, do consider if you have the room of a shade giving tree closeby to compliment the three you want. Maples are in general understory trees and natural dappled light given earlier on in their life can be a great help to their future health. BTW, after watching the news last night and the fires, do keep safe there in Oregon. Thoughts are with you from this side of the pond.
@AlainK , the word "brotar" comes from the Gothic "brut", it also has to do with the German "brozzen" (sprout) and with the Anglo "breotan", that is, a branch or a stem is born in a plant. One of the biggest drawbacks to learning Spanish is that to call the same thing there are many ways to say it, for example instead of saying sprout you could say: aflorar - aparecer - asomar - asomarse - verdear - despuntar - emerger - florecer - fluir - germinar - manar - nacer - originar - originarse - retoñar - salir - surgir - surtir