Hi! We bought two Mikawa Yatsubusa trees (about 12 in. right now), intending to plant them on our rooftop deck. Once home, I realized the deck does not have as much shade as I thought, and it can get a bit windy up there. Wondering if anyone has experience with Mikawa Yatsubusas - can they tolerate full sun and a bit of wind? Or are they doomed.... :(
There are quite a few of these in my area, including one I've had in the ground for over 10 years and it does fine in full sun and has never be effected by wind or cold. Our climate is very similar to what you have in Vancouver.
Just make sure they get enough water to stay hydrated, they'll do fine in sun. Wind is always relative, but the cultivar seems pretty tough.
I have mine in full sun. But I'm in SoCal and it's struggling. Thinking about moving it to a shaded area.
Hi, I am in zone 6 (northern VA) and I have mine in-ground for five years with morning shade and afternoon sun :((. The leaves are scorching a bit in the summer which resulted a poor color display in late falls; the tree is fine though just those leaves. This year I move it to another location with more shade. The tree looks good now but we will see when summer is coming around.