Does anyone know where I can find a Mikawa yatsubusa online? I guess has sold out already. Thanks
Click on "Maples" near top of this page, then click "Links to Maple Resources" near top of page under "Sub-Forums". you will find multiple vendors with that cultivar.
Is this the tree you are looing for : gal Mikawa yatsubusa.JPG The tree can be found here,tell em I sent you, who am I, look at my member name. Samantha Hatch Sam ‘The Maple Lady’ Eastfork Nursery PO Box 435 La Center, WA 98629 Voice: 360.263.2662 Email: Web:
Re: Mikawa yatsubusa on-line I see you are in Modesto, can you send me a big bottle of that Gourmet California Olive Oil say 06 harvest, grove? Jamestown that will do : ) Yea Sam has this most exquisite cultivar in-stock.
Thanks guys! Eastfork it is! Do you happen to know why their Aureum is $35 and Worldplants' is only $15?
Do you happen to know why their Aureum is $35 and Worldplants' is only $15? This should be a new thread but I posted my reply to quickly sorry. There are two different cultivar with the same name also did you look at size?
Yeah, Eastfork is a 1 gal (2-3 years old), and Worldplants is a 4" pot (1 year old). Based on the description they are the same plant. $15 to $35 just seems like a big jump.
Maybe get one of each and then compare for a few years.Maybe keep us informed on the outcome and amount of care, etc. Really, think that would be normal price difference for those ages, considering the care, potting up, and possible vulnerability of a 1 year old graft. Not that anybody wouldn't be successful with the young graft. You're buying time and may find the older plant more suitable depending on your situation and experience. One would really need to see the plants to compare them. Would expect the growers would want you to be successful with any plant you purchased from them, but not sure if they would be able to email a pic of the plants offered.
I've purchased from both Eastfork and World Plants. In my opinion, there is a world of difference. Sam at Eastfork grows a beautiful plant....bound to be 3-4 times bigger than World Plants and well-shaped. Definitely worth the price difference...I highly recommend her. Ginger