Mikawa Yatsubusa dying, Help....

Discussion in 'Maples' started by monkeygirl, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. monkeygirl

    monkeygirl Active Member

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    Surrey, BC, Can. Z:8a
    Hi, All of a sudden the leaves started dying from the inside out, it's almost completely shriveled this morning. It's horrible, my beautiful little Mikawa. We haven't had rain for over a mth (an inch if that) I fear it's something I did, a water issue, it either dried out or I over-watered it, worrying it was too dry.

    Have I lost it? Help please. It was beautiful last year, started out beautiful this year, then wham!

    Hopefully these pics will help of the few live leaves left, I noticed these brown, red, rust markings on them. I haven't found any bugs at all.

    I don't know whether to take it out of it's planter and try replanting or what. Actually, I guess I might as well try, can't hurt I guess...No idea what 's going on...............

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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2013
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    *bump* on behalf of original poster
  3. JT1

    JT1 Contributor 10 Years

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    Euclid, OH USA
    I would spray it with bayer advanced disease control: http://www.bayeradvanced.com/rose-flower-care/products/disease-control-for-roses-flowers-shrubs

    After a couple of weeks make the transition into an area that gets more sun if it's in a shaded area.

    I have a couple of varieties (typically they are varieties with dense foliage like Sharp's Pygmy, 'Higasa yama') that will start loosing their inner leaves during summer. I find using the bayer advanced disease control stops the decline. For those in a little too much shade, vigor is restored when they get more sun; and with Higasa yama it just takes time for it to catch itself, since mine can't handle too much summer sun. So in that case, prevention or spraying at first signs of decline is key, otherwise it's a much slower recovery in shade and patience is needed while waiting for the secondary buds to push.

    Makawa Yatsubusa likes the sun in my area. If it gets too much shade, the inner leaves will fail because the outer foliage is too dense (already shading the inner foliage even in full sun, so if it's in shade the inner foliage can't survive). I have several growing in a variety of conditions and the inner foliage failure is something I observed when they are in too much shade.

    Unless there are big black blotches on the trunk, I don't feel like your tree is going to die.
  4. monkeygirl

    monkeygirl Active Member

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    Surrey, BC, Can. Z:8a
    Hi, Thanks for the advice JT1. I actually did move it from full sun all day, to just about 4 hrs morn sun. I moved it because I ended up having to dig up and move a Katsura because of too much sun and I didn't want to loose this one.

    Anywho, I put it back where it was and went to buy the Bayer spray, but we don't have it here. I got some eco stuff and after Googling it, I thought it probably wouldn't work.

    So anyway, I thought I'd just see what full sun would do for a bit. Well it looks pretty good, you're right, it is also growing new leaves.

    If the remaining leaves stay the same and don't get diseased looking, I won't bother finding a comparative spray to the Bayer, and I'll definitely leave it full sun, always.....
  5. JT1

    JT1 Contributor 10 Years

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    Euclid, OH USA
    I am glad to hear your tree is doing better. Thank you for the update. I don't think you will need to find a spray, because your Mikawa should remain healthy in full sun.

    Just a few notes, the only time I saw a Mikawa Yatsubusa struggle a bit in full sun was when it was suffering from transplant shock or suffering from poor drainage. It rarely shows any signs of drought stress, because other varieties will show you they need water, well before Mikawa Yatsubusa shows any signs of stress. In my area the tender new leaves need protection from early frost (which should be done anyway). Otherwise they are a very trouble free and easy to grow variety in full sun.
  6. Houzi

    Houzi Active Member 10 Years

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    Kent England
    Hi,just reading this thread jogged my memory.For anyone like myself that's been frustrated not being able to buy that Bayer spray which is recommended by JTI,K4 and others.Check availability of Bayers 'Multirose Concentrate2'..it looks like it has the magic ingredient and kills bugs too :)...it's available in UK.

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