Meyers Lemon- Weird Growth

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Steve Jones, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. Steve Jones

    Steve Jones Member

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    VIctoria Texas, USA
    I have a three year old Meyers Lemon tree planted in my yard that has been doing great- harvested 18 huge lemons just a few days ago. Recently I noticed new growth from the base of the plant that is different from the rest of the branches. The leaves are shaped differently and the new branch has very long thorns on it. I assume that this is growth from below a graft, correct? A few questions:
    Typically what kind of citrus is used for Meyers root stock?
    Will this new growth ever flower and bear fruit?
    Should I prune this growth back or will that hurt the plant?

    Thanks for your help.
  2. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    If the root sprout has three leaves it is some type of trifoliate. Unless you are into grafting like me it is best to cut those sprouts off at the base. If you have a source of budwood and want to increase your variety, you can graft to the sprout and have a 2 in 1 tree.


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