My meyer lemon tree is 3 years old and bloomed like crazy and has a lot of fruit on it,but some of the leaves are turning yellow am I overwatering it or what? HELP Georgia
If all of your leaves are turning yellow, you have a problem, but if only a few older leaves are yellow and they fall with their petiole, it is completely normal. If the leaves fall without the petiole, that is a sign of stress.
Now is a very common time of the year for older leaves to be discarded by citrus trees. If the yellow leaves that you are concerned about, are larger lower leaves on the branch, and if the yellowing started at the lower part of the mid vein and progress to the rest of the leaf, then it is *probably* just an old leaf. The life span of a citrus leaf is 18-22 months. As soon as a citrus leaf uses more energy than it supplies to the tree, it is quickly discarded. There is no welfare program of any type for older citrus leaves. In nature it is always "What can you do for me now." - Millet
I can't remember what the numbers were on the bag of Medina I will go back to Lowe's and check. also thank you Millet.