I brought my tree inside before the c old weather set in and it seemed to be doing fine.However I noticed a shiny film on some of the leaves almost appeared to be wet however it is dry to the touch.The leaves are falling off like crazy,I was told it has mites and I'VE spayed it with mite formula and hasn't prevented this shiny film. Thanks Charlie D
Don't be worrying about shiny leaves, or leaves that you think are wet, when in reality dry, worry about WLD (Winter Leaf Drop). Leaves that are infested with spider mites do not look shiny, in fact spider mite infested leaves have the opposite look. A word of advise, do not spray pesticides on your tree, unless you know what is actually wrong with your tree. Use the search function on this forum, and insert words like the following: WLD, Winter Leaf Drop. There is enough information on your tree's problem to keep you reading all night. In the mean time, until you read enough to learn what must be done, take your tree OUT of any direct sunlight. The very best to this tree. - Millet
Thanks Millet , I just can't understand why you take the tree out of the sun light? I have read alot of posts but can't find anyone who has the residue on the leaves like mine? Thanks Charlie
Charlie, the dry shiny film on the surface of your tree's leaves is probably from the excretions of insects when the tree spent the supper out side. Piercing insects such a aphids, scale, white fly, and mealy bug, suck the juices from the tree's leaves, and excrete a residue commonly called honey due. This residue either acts as a host for a fungus called sooty mold, or dries into a shiny coating. Anyway, just wash it off with the hose, shower, or by hand using a MILD (dilute) soapy solution. WLD is caused by the tree's foliage over heating while the root zone is "cold". A leaf's surface temperature can easily rise to 100 degrees and above when the tree is setting in the direct rays of the sun through a south window, Leaves at this temperature call for moisture from the tree's root system for transpiration in order to cool down. If the root zone is at, below, or near 55.4F the roots cannot respond. Therefore, for the foliage to cool and get back in balance with the roots, the tree has no other option but to discard its leaves. To correct the situation, you must either rise the temperature of the root zone to between 64 - 70F, or cool down the leaves by removing them from the sun shine. Even if the room's temperature is around 60F, the container will be cooler due to evaporation from the surface of the soil. You need to purchase a soil thermometer and keep the root zone at least 64F. If the leaf drop is severe raise the root zone temperature to 70F.- Millet
Thanks Millet ! Your knowledge is incredible , I am at 64f with the soil temp I am trying to come up with a way to boost the temp a bit. Thank you Charlie
Heating with a water resistant heating pad beneath the container, or Christmas light wrapped around the container, both do very well. Also during the winter, always water with 86F water. - Millet
Thanks Millet upon further inspection I found a brown moss like substance on a couple of branches, I think I have numerous things going on here.Do you know what the moss like stuff is? I was able to wipe most of it off. Thanks for your help