Meyer Lemon tree problems Please help

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by ashley88, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. ashley88

    ashley88 Member

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    Prince Edward County Ontario Canada
    My lemon tree has shown some new growth in past couple weeks after I fertilized it but some of the leaves that were already developed are falling off and have some brown crisp parts on the edges. i have not been watering more than 1 or 2 times a week and i water to the point of water draining out of the bottom. I have also noticed some small white bugs crawling around in the soil they are VERY fast and Are only found in the soil. They have 4-6 legs all white and oval shape. I have also seen some millipedes or centipedes not sure which and something that looks like a worm, as fine as a strand of hair probably and i can see them wiggling in the soil in the early morning but not after that. i checked the root ball and didnt see any white fungus or damage to the roots but all the bugs are in the soil. I have been using ready to use neem oil and spraying the leaves about every 10 days or so, and i spray the bugs I see on the surface of the soil. I do not know how to identify these bugs, my camera does not focus well enough to take a good pic and i have read a ton on bugs but am still not sure if they are good or bad bugs!! Also I got the tree about 3 months ago and have not put it outside yet, it gets lots of sun in the south facing window its in. But the tree came from an organic farm so I think the bugs must have been in it when I got it. I do know that they were using some kind of beetle on the farm but killed them(the beetles) by misting everyday! If someone could help identify any of the bugs or anything else im doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated I do not want to loose my tree. I dont even know if the bugs are the problem lol I need help.
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Did the leaves acquire the brown margins shortly after the tree was fertilized? If so, what you're seeing could be fertilizer burn. Millipedes and centipedes in small numbers do not pose a problem. The small white worms could be pot worms. I don't know what they are but the fast moving creatures appear to be part of the normal ecosystem.
  3. ashley88

    ashley88 Member

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    Prince Edward County Ontario Canada
    Before I fertilized I was losing leaves as well with the same browning on the edges my leaves were also starting to curl up a bit. I thought it may have been a deficiency of nutrients in the soil, but even after I applied the fertilizer, some leaves are still falling off(some still look quite healthy) but I do have some new growth now as well. I used a 4-4-8+2%iron granular fertilizer made by natura for all trees, shrubs & evergreens. I only applied about 1/3 of a cup. I have seen more than a few centipedes or millipedes I've probably taken 6 or so out of the pot and I have seen more, but have not been able to remove them (they are quick little critters) I have been told to use neem oil to treat the pest I have seen. Is it likely the bugs ruining my tree or did I burn the tree by giving a 1/3 cup fertilizer( the tree is aprrox 8.5 inches tall)
  4. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    1/3 cup would be about right for a two foot tall tree in the ground.
    8 inch potted tree should only require 1 teaspoon.
    Centipedes are carnivores and Millipedes are decomposers and
    shouldn't harm the tree.
  5. ashley88

    ashley88 Member

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    Prince Edward County Ontario Canada
    Oh well I deff gave it to much fertilizer then....should I change the soil or just keep watering well to get rid of the excess fertilizer?
  6. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    If you can see any fertilizer in the container I'd scrape off the top 1/2inch of soil.
    Otherwise flush it with water for 5 minutes to dilute any remaining salts. Fortunately
    your nitrogen source is organic and won't burn but the soluble potassium likely will.
  7. ashley88

    ashley88 Member

    Likes Received:
    Prince Edward County Ontario Canada
    thank you very much I was worried I was going to loose my tree, although I am still not sure why the leaves were beginning to curl, brown and fall off previous to fertilizing, maybe it was just a deficiency and then I over did it with the fertilizer. I will start flush it out and see how it goes from there!! Thanks again for all the help.
  8. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Repeated spraying at short intervals (more than monthly if not rinsed off)
    can burn tender foliage especially oil based insecticides.

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